What is a Green Campus?

What is a Green Campus?| Green Camps |Melite 晶智照明

What is a Green Campus?

“Green Campus 2.0” is a green school programme that the Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong Government plans to implement in 2022. The programme covers several major areas, such as power-saving clubs, smart energy saving, food and plastic saving, clean recycling and eco-friendly culture, with the aim of shaping environmentally friendly green schools. However, what are the green practices in schools? What are the differences between the green practices of schools and those of other venues? The following is an account of each of them.

Green Campus 2.0 Programme – Adoption of the Electricity Club:

Green Campus 2.0 Project 採電學社| 綠色校園 |Melite

The “Green Campus 2.0” hopes to incorporate energy saving and innovative technologies to create a green school that is friendly to the environment, and at the same time to enhance students’ awareness of environmental conservation, which is a programme that combines education and technology. The “Adopt-a-School” component is a renewable energy development programme whereby the Government will provide free subsidies for eligible schools to install small-scale solar power systems, while “Smart Energy Saving” focuses on energy conservation and has three main objectives:

1. to replace the existing air-conditioner with an inverter type air-conditioner

Replacement of Existing Air-conditioners with Inverter Type Air-conditioners|Green Campus |Melite

2. Conversion of existing lighting to LED lamps

Conversion of Existing Lighting to LED Lighting|Green Campus |Melite

3. Installation of real-time energy monitoring system

Installation of Real-time Energy Monitoring System| Green Campus |Melite

Green Campus 2.0 Programme – Other Sections:

Green Campus 2.0 Programme Other Sections|Green Campus |Melite

In addition, “Green Campus 2.0” also implements programmes such as “Disposable Plastic Tableware Removal” school lunch, campus food waste dispenser, smart water dispenser and waste separation, etc., with a view to making schools a more environmentally friendly place and creating a green school, where students can learn more about eco-friendly practices and develop eco-friendly habits. The ” Environmental Prefect” programme aims to help schools nurture a group of students with in-depth knowledge of environmental issues, so that they can encourage their peers to learn and apply green behaviours on campus, and to raise students’ awareness of environmental protection, starting from the education aspect.

Throughout the plan, it can be seen that “adding green energy” and “energy saving” take up the largest portion of the plan. This is due to the fact that schools consume a large amount of energy, and the number of students in primary and secondary schools is huge, so it is a priority to add green energy to schools and to reduce the current consumption of energy. Among the measures mentioned above, converting existing lighting to LED lights is the easiest and fastest way to save energy. Schools have a large number of classrooms, and because of the need to ensure that students can study and carry out various activities in an adequately lit area, the lighting in schools is almost round-the-clock, and if we can reduce the energy consumption caused by lighting, we will be able to see the effect of carbon reduction and energy saving quickly.

How to participate in the Green Campus Programme?

How to participate in the Green Campus Programme?|Green Campus |Melite 晶智照明

Schools wishing to participate in the Green School Smart Energy Saving Programme and obtain funding support can apply to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). In addition, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust’s Jockey Club BEAM Plus in Schools Project can be submitted at the same time. Upon approval, the school will be able to obtain funding support to carry out refurbishment works for the purpose of reducing carbon emissions and conserving energy, which is the best environmental protection method for the school.

Schools interested in participating in the programme can fill in the application form on the Jockey Club Green Schools website and upload information such as copies of electricity bills, water bills, gas bills, paper consumption records, etc. for the 2018/19 school year, and schools can also prioritise the carbon-reducing equipment that they would like to replace. After submitting the application form, specialised staff will visit the school to conduct a site visit, conduct a carbon audit, and design and recommend suitable improvement works for the school. A confirmation letter will be issued within three months, and once confirmed, the consolidation of the list of equipment to be replaced and the refurbishment works will commence.

MELITE has rich experience in replacing lamps for different educational institutions and is able to provide a comprehensive one-stop plan for tailor-made lamp replacement programmes and installation of solar panels for schools. In the past, MELITE has successfully replaced LED lamps for City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, West Kowloon Polytechnic and Kwai Chung Methodist Secondary School, providing lamps that meet the needs of users regardless of the scale of the project, in order to achieve carbon reduction and energy saving, and to create a green campus.

Advantages of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps

Advantages of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps|Green Campus|Melite

LED lights belong to the “three highs” of lighting: high efficiency, high cost-effectiveness and high energy saving. They have a longer lifespan than ordinary fluorescent tubes/bulbs, with an average lifespan of 50,000 hours. If they are used for eight hours a day, they can be used for up to 17 years before they need to be replaced again, which is much longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, which last for only 1,000 hours. Moreover, LED lights save up to 85% of energy compared to incandescent light bulbs, which can help to reduce power consumption and achieve energy saving effect. In addition, LED lights do not contain toxic chemicals or harmful gases, making them safer and more environmentally friendly than traditional bulbs that contain mercury, making them a great choice for green schools.

It is the responsibility of all mankind to maintain a good environment for the earth and the next generation, and to sustain the existing resources. The significance of a green campus is even more significant: we should allow the next generation to learn and grow up in a green and environmentally friendly campus, which is a major trend in Hong Kong and the world. In 2022, when the government is going to implement “Green Campus 2.0”, choose your school’s green practices and get subsidies to replace old and energy-consuming appliances and equipment. MELITE provides one-stop professional services to help you reduce carbon emissions and create a green campus! If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us.

The Melite team is professional and careful, and will not hesitate to do their part for you and the planet. If you are interested in replacing or purchasing LED lights, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:

Offical website:https://www.meproducts.com.hk/

Address: Flat E, 5/F, Wang Yip Industrial Centre, 18 Wang Yip Street East, Yuen Long, N.T., H.K.

Telephone:(852) 2477 2911

Fax:(852) 2477 2921


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